A Global Chorus of Life

We gather today to increase an exultant wave of poetry, which is moving through the world, from stage to stage where people linked attend the same desire, the same aspiration to take the challenge of the great transformations of the spirit, building a gesture, an openness to all the changes and disruptions necessary to establish a world according to life and not subject to the designs of the devastation.

Today we celebrate that we are a joyful transition into a new time, into a new atmosphere where that make possible a congregant light and peace without treaties and without demagogy.

Today we are not here to blame the man because of his excesses towards the catastrophe but to increase the radiant energy of poetry, that moves forward as a light network towards new dimensions of consciousness, to take in the majesty of the horizon of our time.

Today brings us together a fresh impetus, with the aim of influencing the urgent transformations, facing the challenges of this moment that threatens the life of many species, including humans.

Today this call is made possible by the concurrent power of poetry and the poem is the magical instrument for expanding the dislocating power needed to open our minds, our hearts and our mind and so jump to that dimension where we can carry our dreams, symbols and desires to the level of achievements.

We know that a poem will not stop tsunamis, nor wars.
But a poem is a shield against the language of the devastation, war and over-exploitation.
A poem will not heal 1.020 million people chronically hungry in the world; a poem will not stop the starvation of 750.000 people in Somalia.
But a poem is expressed for reaffirmation of life, singing activated by radiant energy of poetry that is a celebration of light.
A poem will not solve the basic problems of a defied humanity.
But a poem is sung dream, vision, oxygen for the spirit
A poem will not conjure the monsters climate.
But a poem is a door that opens when everything seems a dead-end.
A poem prepares the mind for what will be and what is not yet known.
A poem is not mercenary of any disgrace.
A poem is the place of magic and symbolic conjunctions that reaffirm us as a species, exscinded between the animal and human.

A poem is dreaming the world anew, and in this it gives validity and meaning to the reality we live in;

A poem goes on creating the mental future from which our civilization of tomorrow will grow.

Therefore a society that fails in the field of art and literature is a society that has become mentally fossilized and harmed its own capacity for self renewal and rejuvenation.

Poems remind us that starvation, war, overpopulation and pollution are not the effects of our lack of technology or resources, but the lack of ethics and love.

And poems are keys that can open for us the treasure house of our common riches – human love, wisdom, creativity and beauty: riches that are made abundant when shared.

We invoke the powers of poetry not to fall into the macabre game of barbarism.
A poem is a driver desiring change, looking for a new oxygen under a sky of lead and sulfur.
A poem is the cause of the great spiritual convergences. A poem shows us that poetry is the ecology of the symbolic ecosystems. Poetry is the biology of the mind, the engine of the dreamers, of those who aspire to make the leap to a new dimension of being where it is possible to exist without the burden of the iniquities that we inherited and that it is time to stop.
Poems to feed the dream for a true humanity finally liberated from the big mistakes.
For the dignity that gives us the poetry, today we joined a global chorus of life, for real change, now that we move through a dangerous edge of our human history.